vendredi, mars 28, 2014

Ernesto Sábato: Call Pearsantachd an Duine (2)

le Ernesto Sábato
(Earrann eadar-theangaichte às an leabhar 'El Escritor y Sus Fantasmas')

[1]  [3]  [4]
     Gabhaidh am facal romansachas a thuigsinn ann an iomadach dòigh, cuid dhiubh calg-dìreach an aghaidh a chèile, cha mhòr. Ach anns an aiste seo bheir sinn a bhun-chiall dha, oir sin a' chiall as doimhne agus as farsainge. Mar fhreumh aige tha an seann fhacal Frangach romance, ainm an t-seòrsa uirsgeil anns an tèid na mòr-uaislean ud a chaidh a sguabadh air falbh leis an t- siobhaltachd mharsantail a mholadh.
     Bhon t-sealladh seo is e a th' anns an "romansachas" ach a' chiad ar-a-mach an aghaidh aigne acfhainneil [mentalidad utilitaria] an reusain, an airgid agus an inneil. Is e ceannairc de shòisealtas gràisgeil tàireil a th'ann. Seòrsa de dhìomhaireachas saoghalta a sheasas còirichean an tòcaidh, a' chreidimh, an fhantasaidh. Mar seo, bho a fhreumhan fhèin is e a th'anns an nobhail ach cur an cèill barraichte an spioraid romansaich. A-rèist chan eil e a' cur ris an fhîrinn gu bhi faicinn ann na bunaitean agus am ball-sampaill as beòthaile de chonnsachadh duine an là 'n-diugh. Mura bhios am feanòmanan a nochdas às daonnan fìor-ghlan agus soilleir, is ann a-chionns gun tàinig an t- uirsgeulaiche fo bhuaidh chumhachdach inntinn an eascaraid (Balzac, Zola). Oir cha ghabh sabaid an aghaidh namhaid làidir leanailtich a chumail a' dol gun a bhith fàs coltach ris air a' cheann thall. Gus an do cheadaich buaidh an spioraid nuaidh dha fhaighinn cuidhteas an Eich Throidhe sin. Mu dheireadh thall a' leigeil dha fianais air a' chor dhaonna ann an gàbhadh deireannach na sìobhaltachd teicneo-fhlaithich (tecnolátrica) a thoirt seachad. Mar thoradh air seo (agus calg- dhìreach an aghaidh na tha cuid de sgrìobhadairean-aiste agus feallsanaich a' creidsinn) chan e a- mhàin nach eil nobhail an fhicheadaimh linn a' crìonadh, is e seo gu dearbh an linn as torraiche, as iomadh-fhillte, as doimhne agus as tar-cheumnaiche ann an eachdraidh air fad an uirsgeil.
     Thug an t-Ath-bheothachadh gu buil trì paradogsan: b'e gluasad indibhidealach a lean ri meall- chomann (la masificación); b'e gluasad nàdarrachail a lean dhan inneal; b'e daonnachas a chrìochnaich ann an dì-dhaonnachadh.
     Agus chaidh am pròiseas seo adhartachadh le dà chumhachd fiùghantach dì-mhoralta: an t- airgead agus an reusan. Le an cobhair-san cheannsaich mac-an-duine a' chumhachd shaoghalta, ach (agus seo againn freumh a' pharadogsa thrì-fhillte sin) b'e cosgas a' cheannsachaidh an eas-chruthachd (la abstracción). Bhon luamhan gu ruige an logartaim, bhon uinge-òir gu ruige am banca-rèidh, tha eachdraidh a chuid cheannsachaidh air a' chruinne-cè na sgeul de aon eas- chruthachadh as dèidh a chèile. Gach fear dhiubh nas farsainge buileach na am fear roimhe. Tha eaconomas an là 'n diugh agus an saidheans posataibheach nan dà aghaidh dhen aon fhìorachd gun bhuadhan nitheil. De fhantasmagòiria mhatamataigeach a tha ann an seagh (agus seo dhuinn an rud as eagalaiche) na phàirt dhen duine. Chan ann dhen duine nitheil (hombre concreto) ach dhen mheall-dhuine (hombre-masa). Dhen chreutair neònach ud air a bheil fhathast riochd duine ach nach eil dha-rìribh ach na roth-fiaclach ann an innealradh àibheiseach gun urrainn.
     Is e seo breugnachadh mu dheireadh an leth-dhè ud a ghlaodh a indibhidealachd ann an solas- maidne an Ath-bheothachaidh. Creutair leis nach bu ruith ach leum los nithean a chur fo cheannas. Gun for aige gu robh esan fhèin ga thionndadh na nì.
     Bha imfhios aig spioradan geur-chuiseach coltach ri Dostoièbhsci, Kierkegaard agus Nietzsche gu robh bròn-chluich air choreigin a' ginideachadh am meadhan a' mhòr-dhòchais uile-choitchinn. Ach bha an t-lnnealradh Mòr cheana fada ro chumhachdach gus stad a chur air. Air chor is nar là fhèin tha an duine cumanta a' faireachdainn gur ann an saoghal do-thuigsinn a tha e a' gabhail còmhnaidh. Aineolach air amasan an t-saoghail agus fo smachd Urracha Mòra neo-fhaicsinneach gun truas. Nas èifeachdaiche na duine sam bith eile, chuir Franz Kafka an cèill breisleach agus so- leòntachd duine an là 'n-diugh ann an domhan cruaidh dubh-fhaclach.
     Chan eil mi a' cur romham rannsachadh a dhèanamh air na dh' adhbharaich dùsgadh an duine mheadhan-aoisich mun dara linn deug. Tha mi a' gabhail ùidh, ge-tà, air ciamar a lean an dùsgadh seo gu saoghal a-muigh fo cheannas airgid is reusain ri fîorachd eas-chruthach ar latha fhèin. Is e a bh' anns a' chiad Chogadh-croise, an Cogadh-croise a b' fhìre, obair a' chreidimh Chrìosdail agus spiorad dànadas saoghail mharc-shluaghail. Is e gniomh romansach a bh' ann gun sùil air prothaid idir. Ach is e rud ioma-lùbach a th' ann an eachdraidh, agus b' e prìomh bhuil an airm rìdireil seo, cha mhòr, aiseirigh mharsantail na h-Eòrpa. Cha deach an Tuam Naomh no Baile Chonstantain a chaomhnadh, ach chaidh na rathaidean chun na h-Airde an Ear ath-fhosgladh. Chaidh an sògh is an saidhbhreas adhartachadh. Chaidh cumhachan na socaire agus a' chnuasachaidh shaoghalta a chruthachadh. B' ann mar seo a dh' èirich cumhachd nam bailtean mòra Eadailteach agus a' chlas ùir. Tron dara is an treas linn deug thug an clas seo buaidh air gach taobh. Dh'adhbharaich a chuid ghleacan is soirbheachadh uimhir de chruth-atharrachaidhean is gu bheil a' bhuil oirnn fhathast. Is e reductio ad absurdum na h-aigne marsantail ud a th' ann an càs ar latha-ne.

jeudi, mars 27, 2014

Dooyeweerd: Structural Principle of the State (14)

by Herman Dooyeweerd
 [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11]  [12]  [13]  [15]  [16]
The expression of the structural principle of the State in the internal sphere of political economy.
     The aesthetic structural aspect of the body politic necessarily refers back in the foundational direction of the temporal order to the economic modality. The problem of "the relation between the State and economy" has been posited on the immanence standpoint in as confusing a manner as that of "the relation between the State and law". The confusion was due to a lack of insight into the relation between the modal and the individuality structures of reality. Even those writers who emphasize the pluri-sidedness of the State as a real "social organism", in opposition to the individualistic theories, go astray as soon as they want theoretically to conceive of the relation between the body politic and the economic law-sphere
     As examples of such a confused and erroneous way of positing the problem I mention that of OTTMAR SPANN and HERMANN HELLER. In his interesting book Fundament der Volkswirtschaftslehre, SPANN summarizes his view of the relation between the "State" and "economy" as follows: 'As an active part of economic life the State has meanwhile become a real element of economy and is within the latter no longer a "State", but a capital of a higher order, the support of all economic activity, the instrument of all instruments —and therefore itself "economy". With this social genus of "economy" a social genus like the body politic can as little mix, as food mixes with blood: the food must first change into "blood", if it is to work like blood; else food remains an inactive foreign body in it" (1).
(1) O. SPANN, Fundament der Volkswirtschaftslehre (3e Aufl. 1923) p. 184; cf. also p. 28, 103 ff. The German text of the quotation reads as follows: 'als wirksamer Teil der Wirtschaft ist er (i.e. the State) indessen wirklich Bestandteil derselben geworden und in dieser nicht mehr "Staat", sondern Kapital höherer Ordnung, Beistand alles Wirtschaftens, Werkzeug aller Werkzeuge, also selber "Wirtschaft". In die Gesellschaftsart "Wirtschaft" kann sich eine Gesellschaftsart "Staat" ebensowenig einmischen wie sich Speise mit Blut mischt: sie muss erst zu "Blut" werden um in diesem als Blut zu wirken oder sie bleibt wirkungsloser Fremdkörper darin'
     Here the entire economic structural aspect of the State is fundamentally denied. The State as such is only conceived of in an external teleogical relation to "economy", and this latter is merely considered a means for the attainment of non-economic purposes, in this case for political aims (2).
(2) Op. cit., p. 60. SPANN's definition of economy is: "Wirtschaft ist die rangordnungsgemässe Widmung von Mitteln für Ziele durch ausgleichendes und sparendes Abwägen... bei Knappheit an Mitteln". [Economy is the devotion of means to ends according to a scale of needs ordered in conformity to a balancing and sparing mode of estimation.., when there is a scarcety of means.] 
     HELLER's way of positing the problem is equally wrong. Besides, he restricts it to the relation between the State and the typical capitalistic "Marktwirtschaft" [market economy] (Staatslehre, 1924, pp. 211 ff). He, too, conceives the "State" and "economy" as self-contained and equivalent functions of human society, each of them with relative autonomy. The State can only affect economic life from the outside. But HELLER lacks the insight that the body politic has an internal economic aspect, in which its individuality structure finds expression, just as in its internal juridical and moral spheres. This internal economic sphere of the State is quite different from the free economic market relations in which the former is only enkaptically bound.
     The structural principle of the State necessarily expresses itself in its internal economic aspect. This really political economic sphere can never be understood in terms of private inter-individual economic intercourse. The internal political economy is a territorial "Zwangswirtschaft" (controlled economy), in which the economic function has been structurally opened in a typical direction to the public juridical leading function of the State. The system of taxation, as a typical political manner of economical provision of income and capital, forms the basis of the whole of the State's internal economy, and unmistakably displays a political individuality-structure. In this typical economic structure the system of taxation is subject to politico-economic norms of a communal character. In it the modal economic principle of a frugal administration of scanty means, in the alternative choice of their destination, according to a well balanced scale of needs, has been typically individualized and opened under the leading of the juridical idea of public interest.
     The modal economic principles are not at all eliminated from the internal political economy: but here the question as to what (not how) is economic, is entirely dependent on the individuality structure of this typical economic sphere. The internal economic value of the material apparatus of a military and a police organization, of a network of roads, etc., for the political economy of the State cannot be measured according to the market value of the required goods and services, nor according to a certain marginal utility.
     In the internal economy of the State it may be justifiable in an economic sense to deviate from the prices in the free market and from the principles of efficiency prevailing in a free economic enterprise, if such deviations are required by the politico-economic structural relations (3). From the teleological viewpoint the entire economic sphere is considered to be merely a means for the attainment of non-economic purposes. But this view is subjective, and destructive to a correct insight into the internal structural relations in economy; for it excludes the question as to what is economic, from the "Wirtschaftstheorie" [economic theory/ pure economics](4). SPANN also does so.
(3) Remember the expensive administrative services required by the juridically qualified "public interest". These services must not be judged according to the profit earning efficiency-principles in a free enterprise.
(4) The economic needs of the State are in principle dependent on its individuality-structure. 
The integrating function of the State in the internal political economy and the exaggeration and denaturing of this function in the modern absolutist idea of the State's economic autarchy [self-sufficiency].
     In an internal economic sense the State also performs a political integrating function, which is fundamentally different from that of economically qualified societal relationships, such as international trusts, cartels and the like. The positive contents of this task cannot be defined in a universally valid way because of their variable character. There is a tendency in modern times to a large-scale "ordering" of the whole of "national economy" within the territory of the State. The idea of economical ordering and planning reveals a radical reaction to the old liberal idea of the free play of social forces in economic life ruled by a "natural order", in which the State should not interfere. The entire development of modern Western political and economic life has resulted in abandoning the old liberal policy of "laissez faire, laissez passer".
     In itself this thought of ordering is congenial. But it may bring on all the dangers of the totalitarian idea of the absolutist State, if it is not subject to the control of the structural principle of the body politic. The economic integration of the State's population within its territory by means of a political ordering of non-political economic industrial life should remain under the leading of the juridical idea of public interest. The structure of the State necessarily requires this typical leading so that the internal sphere-sovereignty of the economically qualified societal structures will be safeguarded.
     The tendency towards planning may be the result of a totalitarian policy, aiming at economic "autarchy", the self-sufficiency of the national production with a view to increase the power of the State as an end in itself. In this case the State's task of economic integration will be fundamentally falsified because the typical [juridical] leading function of the body politic is lost sight of. Naturally a complete economic autarchy of a State, however large it may be, is impossible, since it is excluded by the increasing economic interdependency of all parts of the world. But, as a politico-economic maxim of the totalitarian State, the principle of autarchy means that, within the territory of the body politic, the whole process of economic production is to be made serviceable to the policy of power. Then there is not any respect for the justified economic interests of other nations, nor for the internal sphere-sovereignty of the non-political societal relationships.
     This autarchical principle was already defended by FICHTE in his project of the closed commercial State. Its tyranny over economic life has been painfully brought home to various countries in the last economic world-crisis [this text published 1969]. Even its partial realization accelerated the dislocation of economic relations before the second world-war enormously. It is easy to see what dangerous effects it must have on States that are poor in raw materials. The counterpart to the principle of autarchy, as the characteristic consequence of the modern idea of the national power-State, is an imperialistic foreign policy. It is, therefore, misleading when RUDOLF KJELLEN defends the autarchical principle on the ground of his vitalistic-organic idea of the body politic by identifying it with the principle of the "individuality of the State in the economic sphere". He puts it on an equal footing with the geographic individuality of the State's territory and with nationality revealing the demic [(sociology) characteristic a population] individuality of the State (RUDOLF KJELLEN, Der Staat als Lebensform, 2e Aufl. 1917 p. 162).
     In this sense the autarchical principle is intended as a general individualistic principle of economic policy valid for all nations; but as such it does not at all take their individuality into account. If carried through consistently, it means the dissolution of the whole intricate complex of international interlacements and mutual relations of dependence in economic life. But then it appears to be nothing but a fantastic dream of power in the modern nationalistic political mythology (5)
(5) KJELLEN shrinks back from this consequence. He writes: "Auch das autarchische Prinzip darf nicht Zum Fetisch werden, dessen Anbetung gegen die Bedeutung und das Bedürfnis eines wirtschaftlichen Verkehrs zwischen den Völkern blind macht" (op. cit. p. 166/7). [The autarchical principle should not be made into a fetish whose worship would blind us to the importance and the need of economic intercourse between the nations.]
     But the real issue is whether or not the principle as such implies the individualistic exaggeration that in principle does not allow of any restriction. The entire notion that according to its internal economic structure the State is a "closed and self-sufficient organism" has originated from an absolutization.
     Only as an example I mention the leading ideas of economic planning according to which the Italian fascist State intended to carry out its programme of economic integration. They have been summarized by WOLDEMAR KOCH in his book Die Staalswirtschaft des Faschismus (1935) p. 14/5, Finanz. Forsch. hrg. v. Fritz Karl Mann) as follows: 
1. The idea of the maximum area for the production of foodstuffs for the growing population;
2. The idea of economic independence; 
3. The idea of ruralization; 
4. The idea of an equal economic development of the separate parts of the country.
     The author does not omit to point out that these four ideas were directly or collaterally dependent on the idea of the "Potenza della Nazione" (the power of the nation). He rightly adds that Italy's practical policy could not strive after a complete autarchy but only after a restricted economic independence of foreign countries, and that even such a restricted autarchy was extremely difficult to realize: 'For the one-sided dependence on foreign countries is founded in the natural basic conditions of the Italian national economy' (p. 17). This is true, for Italy is poor in raw materials, and as far as agriculture is concerned, the comparative costs assign to Italy the place of "a garden of Europe". The developmental tendencies of Italian agriculture not affected by the State, favour exactly those branches of industry in which that country can boast of an advantage over other countries. This would entail a considerable amount of interweaving of Italian economy with the international effort to supply economic needs.
     The carrying through of the German national-socialistic "völkische" idea of autarchy in agriculture was to be accomplished by means of a compulsory organization of the farmers in a "Reichsnährstand" [(RNS) government body set up in Nazi Germany to regulate food production]. and by the "Erbhofrecht" [Hereditary Farm Law]. Cf. Dr. HEINRICH STOLL: Deutsches Bauernrecht, Mohr, Tübingen 1935.

(Herman Dooyeweerd, A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company 1969. Vol 3, pp 480-485)
 [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11]  [12]  [13]  [14]  [15]  [16]
Go HERE for free download of: 
Full 4 volumes of A New Critique of Theoretical Thought in two pdfs (53 Mb & 59 Mb). 
Dutch original De Wijsbegeerte Der Wetsidee in three pdfs (22 Mb, 24 Mb, & 26 Mb)

mercredi, mars 26, 2014

Derek Bateman: An Auld Sang Gang Wrang

An Auld Sang Gang Wrang
by Derek Bateman (26 March 2014)

Guess what I’ve been up to as the sun shines? Reading the British government’s legal advice on independence, of course. You know, one of those efforts we’re not allowed to know the cost of. Here are some headlines I’d forgotten since its publication last year:

The Treaty of Union is irrelevant

Scotland ceased to exist in law

It was merged into an enlarged England

It has no international personality in its own right

It cannot revert to pre-1707 independence

Read full article 

See also:
Download pdf (45 pages) of above document 
See also:
Quotes from Annex A document:
"36. We note that the incorporation of Wales under laws culminating in the Laws in Wales Act 1536 (England) and of Ireland, previously a colony, under the Union with Ireland Act 1801 (GB) and the Act of Union 1800 (Ireland) did not affect state continuity. Despite its similarity to the union of 1707, Scottish and English writers unite in seeing the incorporation of Ireland not as the creation of a new state but as an accretion without any consequences in international law."

"37. For the purpose of this advice, it is not necessary to decide between these two views of the union of 1707. Whether or not England was also extinguished by the union, Scotland certainly was extinguished as a matter of international law, by merger either into an enlarged and renamed England or into an entirely new state."

The clean slate
by Rev. Stuart Campbell (11 Feb 2011)
The devil, they say, is in the detail, and that certainly seems to apply to the UK Government’s first paper on the consequences of Scottish independence. With remarkably little fanfare, the coalition appears to have dropped an atomic bomb into the heart of the constitutional debate, and not even realised it.
Read full article 


Media Lens: Scotlandshire: BBC Scotland Coverage Of Independence Referendum

Scotlandshire: BBC Scotland Coverage Of The Independence Referendum

By David Cromwell (24 March 2014)
BBC Scotland heads face Holyrood committee:
(left to right) Bruce Malcolm (Head of Commonwealth Games coverage), John Boothman (Head of News and Current Affairs),  Ken MacQuarrie (Director of BBC Scotland), John Mullin (Editor, Referendum Unit).
The BBC's 'Amazing Litany' Of Bias
Coverage of the Scottish independence referendum, due to be held on September 18 this year, is a compelling example of the deep establishment bias of the corporate media. Some critics have characterised the BBC's coverage, in particular, as though Scotland is merely a region or a county of the United Kingdom called 'Scotlandshire'.
The establishment, pro-Union bias of 'mainstream' coverage emerges clearly from a careful analysis by an experienced media academic, and by the BBC's reprehensible attempt to rubbish both the study and its author. The year-long study was conducted by a small team led by Professor John Robertson of the University of West Scotland. Between 17 September 2012 – 18 September 2013, the team recorded and transcribed approximately 730 hours of evening TV news output broadcast by BBC Scotland and Scottish Television (STV). The study concluded that 317 news items broadcast by the BBC favoured the 'No' campaign (i.e. no to Scottish independence) compared to just 211 favourable to the 'Yes' campaign. A similar bias in favour of the 'No' campaign was displayed by STV. Overall, there was a broadcaster bias favouring the 'No' campaign by a ratio of 3:2. In other words, there was 50 per cent more favourable coverage to the 'No' campaign.
Professor Robertson told Media Lens that 'more importantly', there was also:
'undue deference and the pretence of apolitical wisdom in [official] reports coming from London – the Office for Budget Responsibility and Institute for Fiscal Studies, for example; but, also, Treasury officials [were] presented as detached academic figures to be trusted.' (Email, March 18, 2014)
There was also a deep-rooted personalisation of Scottish independence by the broadcasters in their systematic conflating of the 'wishes' of Alex Salmond, Scotland's First Minister, with the aims and objectives of the 'Yes' campaign. This was not the case with media coverage of the 'No' campaign. The objectives of the 'No' Campaign were not routinely portrayed as the 'wishes' of Alastair Darling, leader of the 'Better Together' group campaigning to keep Scotland within the United Kingdom.
Read full article HERE

mardi, mars 25, 2014

Zen agus Alt an Eipisteimeòlais Chàilbhinich

Hokusai: "36 Seallaidhean de Bheinn Fuji"
Zen agus Alt an Eipisteimeòlais Chàilbhinich
  le Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
(Full essay in English HERE)
1. Ro-Ràdh
2. Zen Fhèin
3. Di-ghreimeachadh
4. Cur-an-Gnìomh
5. Nàdar
6. Pàtran
7. Uachdaranachd Dhè
8. Pòlarasan agus Paradocsan
9. Herman Dooyeweerd agus Uachdaranchd-Raoin
10. Air ais dhan Nàdar
11. Bàrdachd-Nàdair Thràth sa Ghàidhlig 
12. Fèin-fhiosrachadh Eipisteimeòlach 
13. Eileachd Amh agus Neo-nitheachd
14. Eadar Dà Chuthach
15. Uisge Reòta
16. Sa Cho-dhùnadh...
1. Ro-Ràdh

Ailein chòir,

    Duilich gu robh mi cho fada gun sgrìobhadh air ais. Thàinig gnothach no dhà sa rathad orm, agus cha b'urrainn dhomh do cheist a thaobh Zen agus Càilbhineas a fhreagairt co-dhiù gun na h-uibhir de chnuasachadh. Fhads a tha mi air a bhi a' sgrìobhadh, thàinig e a-steach orm gur dòcha gum biodh ùidh aig daoine eile sa chùis seo. Mar sin (led chead) dh'fhaodainn lebhreac a thoirt seachad dhaibh. (Gun teagamh chan e feòrachas a-mhain, ach iomagain, a bhios aig cuid, 's mi a-mach air cuspair mar seo.) Is ann air sàilleibh seo a bhios an teacs a' fàs mean air mhean nas mi-phearsanta. Agus a bhios mi a-rèir coltais a' feuchainn ri Van Til agus Dooyeweerd a mhìneachadh dhut, nuair a tha thu mar-thà nas mion-eòlaiche air an obair na tha mise. Mo leisgeulan airson nan nithean seo. 

Mar as àbhaist tha mi gabhail iongantais ri farsaingeachd do chuid leughaidh! Tha fhios gu bheil mi air bòrd led mhì-fhoighidinn ri linn leiteachas MhicDhiarmaid, Shomhairle (agus mòrchuid a' ghinealaich litreachail Albannaich ud) ri Sòibhiatas. Tha mi cuideachd ag aontachadh le na chanas tu mu "post tenebras lux". Bha mi a' leughadh an diugh sa mhadainn bho Salm 139  -
"Ma their mi, Gu deimhinn falaichidh an dorchadas mi, bidh an oidhche fhèin mar sholas mun cuairt orm. Chan fhalaich eadhon an dorchadas uatsa, ach dealraichidh an oidhche mar an là; is ionann an dorchadas agus an solas dhutsa". (11,12)
Thug thu tarraing dhan earrann "Rinn E gach nì maiseach na àm fhèin". Bhon is e Càilbhineach a th'annam, mar a tha annad fhèin, tha mi aomte gu bhith gabhail ris an abairt ud. Ach is e claidheamh nam chridhe a th'ann fhathast. Tha mi dìreach air ionnsachadh gu bheil an caractar Sìonach airson "fulaing"/'seas" ( rěn) a' sealltainn lann sgine ( rèn) os cionn, no an sàs ann an, cridhe ( xīn)Ma thogas sinn pàipear-naidheachd, no ma bheir sinn sùil air nàidheachdan an TBh, no ma thadhlas sinn air ospadal-cloinne, cuiridh sin fhèin bacadh air aonta grad ris na faclan seo. Ma tha an earrann seo de Sgriobtar fìor idir (agus gu dearbh ma tha "àrd-uachdaranachd" Dhè dha-rìribh fìor), cha ghabh a thuigsinn gun smaoineachadh nas doimhne nas àbhaist. Tha e doirbh gu leòr a bhith feuchainn ri flaitheas Dhè fhaicinn is aideachadh an teis-mheadhon cruaidh-chàs pearsanta no eadar-nàiseanta. Is cinnteach mar sin gur e ceum ro fhada buileach a th'ann a bhith cantainn gu bheil a leithid "maiseach" ann an dòigh sam bith.

Rannsaich mi tùs-Eabhra an fhacail a chaidh eadar-theangachadh leis an fhacal "maiseach" an seo. 
Is e "yapheh" יפה a th'ann. A rèir coltais is e "maiseach" dha-rìribh gnàth-chiall a' bhriathair seo, ach tha claonadh cuideachd aige a dh'ionnsaidh "math" agus "sàr-". Mar seo, canaidh Fraingis a' Bìobaill Louis Segond"Il fait toute chose bonne en son temps". Chan eil mi cinnteach, ge-tà, gu bheil seo a' toirt mòran cobhair dhomh. Tha an Tionndadh Stannartach Ameireaganach nas fhasa a bhith gabhail ris. Canaidh e: "He has made everything appropriate in its time"Anns an t-Seachtód (an Septuagint), cleachdar "kalos" airson "maiseach". An dearbh fhacal a chleachdas Crìosd mu dhèidhinn fhèin agus mun bhàs Aige, nuair a chanas E "Is Mise am buachaille math (ο καλος): leigidh am buachaille math (ο καλος) a anam sìos airson nan caorach" (Eòin 10:11). Sa Ghreugais Chlasaigeach tha "kalos" a' ciallachadh "maiseach", agus cuideachd: "uasal""ionmholta".  Air mo shonsa dheth (ged nach eil e a' fuasgladh gach duilgheadais) tha a' chiall as cuideachail am measg na tha seo uile:"le deagh bhuil no rùn na chois" ("serving a good end or purpose")(Greek-English Lexicon, Liddle, Scott, after Passow).

Nise (mas urrainn dhut cumail ris a' mhìneachadh fhacal-fhreumhail a tha seo rud beag nas fhaide!), bhon a tha ùidh agam anns an t-Sìnis thug mi sùil air a' chànan ud cuideachd. Ann an Eclesiastes tha Eabhra "yapheh" eadar-theangaichte leis a' charactar airson "maiseach"  (美 měi) agus an caractar airson "math" (好 hǎo) an lùib a chèile. Còmhla ri chèile, a rèir coltais, is urrainn dha na caractaran seo (美好 měi hǎo) a bhith ciallachadh "OK""ceart gu leòr". Is dòcha gu bheil sin na chuideachadh eile dhomh gu ìre. 

Nuair a thàinig e dham chuimhne gu bheil an caractar Sìneach airson "maiseach" (美 měi) a' toirt tarraing gu "caora", bha fadachd orm rannsachach co-dhiù am biodh an Sìnis (maraon ris a' Ghreugais) a' cleachdadh an aon bhriathar ann an Eclesiastes 3:11 ("Rinn E gach nì maiseach na àm fhèin") agus ann an Eòin 10:11, earrann a tha toirt tarraing dhan "Bhuachaille Mhath". Ach cha robh. Ann an Eòin thathar a' cleachdadh an gnàth-bhriathar Sìneach airson "math" - 好 hǎo (caractar stèite air dealbh boireannach agus leanaibh). An do chaill an luchd-tionndaidh Sìneach cothrom a-thaobh a' cheangail "maiseach" a tha seo? Is dòcha nach eil raon-cèille farsaing gu leòr aig 美 měi gu bhith gabhail a-steach an dà cho-theacs. Tha fhios gum biodh trioblaid aig an fhacal Beurla "beautiful" fhèin a bhith gabhail a-steach an dà chèill.

A-thaobh na Gàidhlig dheth ("Rinn E gach nì maiseach na àm fhèin", agus "Is Mise am buachaille math: leigidh am buachaille math a anam sìos airson nan caorach") tha Faclair MhicBheathainn gu dearbh ag ràdh gur dòcha gu bheil co-freumh aig "maiseach" agus "math". Ach cha tigeadh ceangal sam bith fa-near dha neach-labhairt Gàidhlig an là 'n diugh. 

Tha Bìoball Gaeilge Ma Nuad a' gabhail taobh an Tionndaidh Stannartaich Ameireaganaich airson Eclesiastes:
"Gach uile ní a dhéanann Dia, oireann sé dá thráth féin" (Cóheilit 3:11) ("Gach nì a nì Dia, tha e iomchaidh gu a àm fhèin")
Agus airson Eòin 10:11, tha a' Ghaeilge ag ràdh:
"Mise an sáraoire, Tugann an sáraoire a bheatha ar son a chaorach"("sáraoire" = "sàr-bhuachaille")
Is toigh leam an ro-leasachan ud "sár". Ma dh'fhaoite gur e co-thuiteamas a th'ann, ach tha mac-talla ann dhe na faclan Eabhra Bìoballach "sar שר" ("flath"/ "prionnsa") and "zer זר" (fuaimnichte "zar"), a' ciallachadh "crùn"/ "fleasg".

Càite a bheil sinn, a-rèiste? Tha an Greugais co-dhiù ag innse dhuinn gun do rinn Dia a h-uile càil "kalos" na àm fhèin, agus cuideachd gun do leag am Buachaille "kalos" sìos a bheatha às leth nan caorach. Mar sin, tha "deagh bhuil no rùin" an cois bàs a' Bhuachaille Mhaith. Tha an crann-ceusaidh yapheh יפה ("maiseach"/ "iomchaidh") na àm. Agus anns gach àm, gu sìorraidh. Ach cò as urrainn a leithid a dh'oillt a ghiùlan? Is cràdh cràdh. Ann an Getsemane ("Amar-brùthaidh ola") ghabh Crìosd eagal ron phèin ri tighinn. A-nis, is mi a' smaointinn mu dhèidhinn, is cinnte gun gabh dealachadh a dhèanamh eadar pian mar fhreastal truasail Dhè ("Do thoil-sa gu robh dèante"), agus pian tuaireamach falamh cruinne-cè an Dia-àicheir. 

A rèir na litir a-chum nan Romanach, tha an cosmos air fad "ag osnaich", "ann am pèin", is e fulang "dhìomhanas"/ "thruaillidheachd"/ "neo-chiallmhorachd" (Rom 8: 20-22). Ach canaidh an Crìosdaidh (gu h-àraid an Crìosdaidh Càilbhineach) ann an seagh "Chan eil an tinneas (cosmach) seo a-chum bàis, ach a-chum glòir Dhè, a-chum gum bi Mac Dhè air a ghlòrachadh da thaobh" (Eòin 11:4). 

Ach, a-rìst, is pian pian. Ghuil Iosa gu goirt aig uaigh Làsarais mionaidean mus d'àithn E do Làsaras a choiseachd a-mach às an dorchadas sin. Ged a bha cinnt aig Iosa gun rachadh cùisean gu math (gum biodh cùisean "OK" - 美好 měi hǎo air a' cheann thall), tha e soilleir nach do shaor am fiosrachadh sin E bho chràdh a' challdaich.

Uime sin, a rèir coltais tha na briathran uile seo air an sìneadh - air an sracadh - thar an comas ach an gabh iad a-steach fìrinn a tha dol thairis air an fhaclair (agus gu dearbh a tha dol thairis air an Tìm fhèin). Ar faclan mar phocannan plastaig mòr-bhùtha fosgailte nar làmhan critheanach, agus an fhìrinn mar each Dail Chluaidh na sheasamh air a' chunntair 's e a' diùltadh a phacaigeadh le sitrich, sèidrich agus stampadh nan cas mòra ud. 

Is ann air bunait sheiciularach (< Laideann "saeculum", cf "saoghalta") a tha ar comann-sòisealta Siarach stèite. Neo-dhiadhachd mar phrìomh cho-theacsa. Adhbharachas feallsanachail nua-Dharwineach mar bhun-sheasamh. Dealbhachadh tùrail na mhealladh-sùla. A' Bheatha na thubaist. Am bàs na lèir-sgrios. Rùn na rud "fèin-thogail". Gach tiota tuaireamach gu cùl. 

Calg-dhìreach an aghaidh seo, faodaidh an Crìosdaidh a bhi dòchasach man àm ri teachd, as bith dè cho dòrainneach 's a tha an là 'n diugh:
"Is beannaichte iadsan a tha ri bròn: oir gheibh iad sòlas" (Mata 5:4)
"Oir tha mi a' meas nach airidh fulangais na h-aimsir a tha an làthair a bhith air an coimeas ris a' ghlòir a tha gu bhith air a foillseachadh annainn"(Romanaich 8:18)
Treòraichidh am Buachaille Math sinn a-chum Àite Mhaith
"Agus beathaichidh an t-Uan a tha am meadhon na rìgh-chathrach iad, agus treòraichidh e iad gu beò-thobraichean uisge: agus tiormaichidh Dia gach deur on sùilean" (Taisbeanadh 7:17)
Is e co-theacs an rud as cudromaiche: 
"Rinn E gach nì maiseach na àm fhèin: chuir E mar an ceudna sìorraidheachd nan cridhe..." (Eclesiastes 3:11)
Saoilidh mi gu bheil dlùth-cheangal ann eadar "gach nì maiseach" agus "sìorraidheachd nan cridhe". An cois cnuasachaidh gu math fada, is e mo cho-dhùnadh fhèin nach urrainn dhomh gabhail ris an fhacal "maiseach" ud gu h-iomlan ach ann an seagh eascaiteòlach. Le sin is ciall dhomh nach urrainn dhan fhacal sin tarraing gu bunasach ach dhan fhìorachd fhulangach air a h-inntrigeadh 's air a teasairginn le Crìosd air a' chrann-cheusaidh. Fìorachd fhulangach sheasmhach (忍 rěn) (cuimhnich na h-ìomhaighean-facail Sìonach) le "sgian" (刃 rèn) air a tarraing mu dheireadh thall a-mach às a "cridhe" (心 xīn), agus na àite, a' leantainn Eclesiastes, tha (永 yǒng"sìorraidheachd na cridhe"

Tha na faclan mu dheireadh seo bho Eclesiastes aig cridhe feallsanachd Herman Dooyeweerd, a mhìneachas gu maiseach eirmseach co-theacsa Bìoballach seo an fhulangais:
"Ann an Crìosd, chan urrainn dha càil san t-saoghal chùlachail (Dhia-thrèigeach) a tha seo a dhol air chall. Chan eil pàirt sam bith dhen fhànas, chan eil beatha thìmeil sam bith, chan eil gluasad tìmeil no lùths tìmeil, chan eil cumhachd, gliocas, maise, gràdh, creideamh no ceartas sam bith as urrainn dhan t-saoghal pheacach a chumail mar shealbh aige fhèin as aonais Chrìosd....Tha e gu tur taing do ghràs coitcheann Dhè ann an Crìosd gu bheil meadhanan sam bith air am fàgail san t-saoghal thìmeil gus a bhith a' cur an aghaidh neart sgriosail nan eileamaidean a fhuair ma sgaoil; gu bheil meadhanan ann fhathast a bhith dèanamh strì an aghaidh galair, gu bhith bacadh tinneasan-inntinn, gu bhith cur smaoineachaidh loidsigich an gnìomh, gu bhith sàbhaladh leasachaidh chultaraich bho dhol sìos ann am buirbe mi-chneasta, gu bhith ag altram cainnte, gu bhith gleidheadh comas a' chonaltraidh shòisealta, gu bhith seasamh an aghaidh mi-cheartais, agus mar sin air adhart. Tha na nithean uile seo nan toradh air obair Chrìosd, fiù 's mas do nochd E idir air an talamh. O thùs fhèin sheall Dia air A chruitheachd leagte ann an solas an Fhir-saoraidh."
(Herman Dooyeweerd, "Sgrùdadh Ùr air an Smuain Theoiriceil", Vol II, p 34)

The Dirty Dozen - The case against BBC Scotland: Part 1

The Dirty Dozen - The case against BBC Scotland: Part 1
By G.A.Ponsonby (24 March 2014)
The BBC trades on its reputation like no other organisation.  It's this reputation for fairness and accuracy that ensures its news broadcasts carry weight, not just here in the UK, but internationally.

People trust the BBC like no other broadcast news outlet.  Indeed so deep runs that trust that in the UK the public allows itself to be coerced into funding the corporation through the TV licence, a tax costing each household £145.50 each year.

What though if that trust is misplaced and the privilege given to the BBC is being abused?  How many people would continue to fund a broadcaster if they suspected they were being manipulated?

In this two part series, I am going to present evidence that suggests the BBC's coverage of Scottish politics and the referendum is being manipulated in order to present the Scottish Government and SNP in the worst possible light.  I challenge those who read the complete series - 'The Dirty Dozen: The case against BBC Scotland' - to explain the handling of political news by BBC Scotland and to deny that there is something very wrong at the Glasgow HQ at Pacific Quay.

The list is in no particular order, but I have left the worst example to the end.  I start off with numbers twelve through to seven.

Read full article HERE

lundi, mars 24, 2014

Dooyeweerd: Structural Principle of the State (13)

by Herman Dooyeweerd
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The expression of the structural principle in the juridical forms of organization of governmental authority. The typical foundation of the different constitutional forms.
     As to the expression of the structural principle in the juridical aspect of the State we have to add some remarks with respect to the typical juridical forms of the organization of governmental authority. The different constitutional forms depend on the latter. The distinction between autocracy and democracy is the most fundamental of all. These forms have a typical historical basis, and their character is determined by the manner in which the political power is organized; viz. either by the free initiative of the nation itself, which by suffrage and political representation (or eventually in a direct way) retains a continuous control over the government, or by an authority which has imposed a certain governmental form upon the people (cf. HELLER, Staatslehre (1934), p. 246). But the variable positive juridical forms of organization of governmental authority remain absolutely determined by the internal structural principle of the State. This means that, e.g., an economic form of power as such can never be the typical foundation of the juridical form of organization of a government's authority. Only in the pheno-type [variability type] of a constitution can a government's authority be typically interwoven in an enkapsis with types of authority founded in economic types of power. The insight into this state of affairs is also of fundamental importance for an enquiry into constitutional history, as well as for the theory of constitutional law, and for the general theory of the State.
    In v. HALLER'S patrimonial theory of the State, e.g., monarchy was viewed as the normal and the oldest form of political organization, which was supposed to be always exclusively founded in large-scale land-ownership (1)
(1) Cf. Restauration der Staatswissenschaft (2e Aufl.) Bnd. 3, p. 157: "Die ganze Geschichte bestätigt unwidersprechlich, was sich schon durch die blosse Vernunft beweisen lässt, dass nicht nur die Monarchien die ersten, ältesten and häufigsten Staaten waren, sondern dass die meisten Fürstentümer ursprünglich auf dem haus- oder grundherrlichen Verband oder dem sog. Patriarchat beruhen, alle anderen aber rich in der Folge nur durch dieses Verhältnis befestigen konnten". [All history confirms beyond contradiction what can already be proved by mere reason, viz. that monarchies are not only the first, the oldest and the most frequent forms of the State, but that most principalities were originally based on the domestic community or on the seignorial relationship of an estate, a so-called patriarchy. All the others could only establish themselves later on by means of this relationship.]
     This view has had a great influence on the interpretation of the facts of medieval legal history, as v. BELOW has convincingly proved. V. HALLER'S patrimonial view of the State has also penetrated into the famous work Ongeloof en Revolutie of the Dutch Christian historian and statesman GROEN VAN PRINSTERER. In his description of the patrimonial conception of a kingdom under the feudal regime, and of the foundation of the political rights of the old estates on landed property, he thought he had detected the real historical fundamentals of the "Christian- Germanic State-idea". And he opposed the latter to the classical republican idea of the body politic defended by the a priori natural law doctrine. Fortunately he abondoned this erroneous and reactionary view when he became acquainted with the writings of F. J. STAHL.
     We have already remarked that the so-called democratic form of government of a "medieval town" (2), in its later stage of development, and the dominant position often occupied in it by the craftguilds, was not typically founded in economical forms of power.
(2) Of course this terminology is not quite justified historically; we cannot really speak of "the medieval town" in a general way. But we are discussing the general phenomenon of the guild- movement and its political importance for the city governments. This revolutionary movement displays, at least in its main traits, a fairly common character and is everywhere characterized by the same anti-aristocratic tendency. 
     When these guilds acquired political power, the latter was indeed founded in their military organization; their political structure was merely enkaptically interwoven with their structure as industrial organizations. Their temporary dominating influence in the city-government was the result of political action, often of an actual revolution directed against an existing aristocratic régime, from which they extorted the control of the town. During the period of their greatest power, the Utrecht guilds acted as independent potentates, and entered into negotiations with foreign sovereigns. But the political and the industrial structures of these guilds were kept distinctly apart, notwithstanding their mutual interweavings: all the citizens of a town had to join one of the guilds, no matter what was their occupation or trade. They thus became "political members" for the sake of their political rights (cf. J. C. OVERVOORDE en J. G. CH. JOOSTING, De gilden van Utrecht tot 1528, le deel (1897) in the collection "Oud-Vaderlandsche Rechtsbronnen". An excellent description of the Italian and German medieval guild-movement is to be found in H. LENTZE, Der Kaiser und die Zunftverfassung in den Reichsstädten, 1933).
     Naturally it cannot be denied that, irrespective of the specific form of constitution, particular economically qualified classes may gain a temporary hegemony in the government of the State. In the same way the franchise may be dependent on a property qualification. But these political privileges are never of a typically economical foundation, as was erroneously assumed by ARISTOTLE when he characterized democracy as the rule of the poor. Economic types of power are never qua talis really political in character; they are at most interwoven with types of political power. The modern view of a social democracy, as it was especially propagated after the first world-war, uncritically assumed that we can apply the political forms of government to the family, the Church, the school or to an industry. But it levelled all the differences of the internal structures of human societal relationships (3).
(3) This has been vividly described by G. GUY GRAND in his book La démocratie de l'après- guerre, published after the first world-war. 
The expression of the structural principle in the aesthetic aspect of the State.
     The typical harmonious integration of the interests of nation and country, manifest in the leading public juridical function of the State's structural principle, refers back to the aesthetic function of the latter.
     In antiquity Greek political philosophy paid special attention to this aesthetic structural aspect. The idea of public justice was mostly conceived aesthetically. In PLATO's ideal State the idea of the τά έαυτού πράττέιν was aesthetical rather than juridical. According to this idea every citizen had to remain in his own social class in order to cooperate in his own sphere to the harmony of the whole.
     In the second book of his Politica ARISTOTLE requires politics to be a "symphony". It is an art, and, as such, it must not contain any dissonance and should continue in the same key which produces harmony. In the time of the Romantics the exaggeration of the aesthetic motif reappears. This aestheticist view of the body politic would never have arisen, if the structure of the body politic did not have an aesthetic aspect making disharmony possible as well.
     CALVIN has also emphatically pointed out this aesthetic structural aspect. He calls the societal relationship of the State a "well-ordered condition" and opposes it to the anarchical άταξία a "confusum et dissipatum chaos". The State is a "pulcherrimus ordo", in which prevails "symmetria, proportia" (C.R. 49, 503). Anarchy is no tonly objectionable in an ethico-political sense, as disturbing the community, it is also unaesthetical, because it is offensive to our aesthetic sense (cf. BOHATEC, Calvin und das Recht, 1934, Teudingen in Westphalia,p. 64). But the State is not a work of fine art, it is not qualified by its aesthetic aspect. The typical foundation of its structure betrays its institution on account of sin. And this tragic trait is also inherent in the aesthetic aspect of the State.

(Herman Dooyeweerd, A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company 1969. Vol 3, pp 477-480)
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