mardi, décembre 31, 2013

Vimeo: Une histoire des hommes et des idées (41-44)


L’Unesco oriente les contenus scolaires de ses pays membres vers la mise en place d’une gouvernance mondiale. Rien d’étonnant que bon nombre de penseurs québécois en éducation convergent dans cette même direction. L’outil par excellence qui permet l’atteinte de cet objectif est l’approche pédagogique socioconstructiviste

Le socioconstructivisme repose sur une idée simple : rien n’est absolu et tout sujet est discutable. À première vue, cette idée séduit parce qu’elle place la réflexion et la raison au cœur même des modes d’apprentissage. Mais dans les faits, cette approche veut plutôt déconstruire, dans l’esprit de l’enfant, les valeurs particulières de sa famille et de son milieu culturel. Ce n’est pas moi qui le dis, ce sont Georges Leroux et Fernand Ouellet, deux éminents philosophes québécois, eux-mêmes considérés comme les pères du cours Éthique et culture religieuse.


(1-4)   (5-8)   (9-12)  (13-16)  (17-20)  (21-24)  (25-28) 
(29-32)  (33-36)  (37-40)

lundi, décembre 30, 2013

YouTube: Brendan O' Neill discusses New Atheism

Don't Shout at the Telly Christmas Special: The New Atheism (Published on Dec 17, 2013)
Sofa discussion with spiked editor Brendan O'Neill: far worse than the strange idea that humanity is guided by a supernatural being, are the new atheists' belief that humans are little more than monkeys. Cultural relativists would diminish our freedom of speech and intolerant atheist activists endanger freedom of religion and freedom of association.

Vimeo: Jason Headley: It's not about the nail


E.L.H. Taylor: The State in Western History

E.L. Hebden Taylor (1925-2006)
by E.L.H. Taylor (first published 1969)
     "No more persistent and troubling issue has plagued the modern study of society than the concern for the place or power and authority in social life. Society is no longer rendered cohesive and stable by a common Christian faith and shared values. Modern western society has struggled for three centuries to find new secular humanistic modes of cohesion and stability comparable to the unifying function played by Catholic Christianity in the Middle Ages. [...] Our Anglo-American doctrine of the limited state grew inevitably out of the Puritan demand for freedom of conscience. The principle of religious freedom won during the English civil war established the principle of the limitation of political authority. If the government has no right to interfere with the religious life of its people then there is a department of social life (of what Calvin called the realm of things indifferent) in which the political authority as such has no competence. Democracy as we understand the term in America, Britain, Holland and Canada is this denial of the omnipotence and absolute sovereignty of the state. The opposite of democracy is, therefore, totalitarianism, which rests on the claim of the state to have legitimate authority in every department of life. The recognition of the great principle of freedom of conscience to worship God as each man sees fit without interference by the government also implied the freedom of all other cultural activities. It implied and achieved in the course of two centuries freedom of conscience, freedom of thought, freedom of education and learning, of art and science and business life from control by the state."
Download PDF of full article (19 pages) HERE
Home page of pdf and more info on Hebden Taylor HERE

samedi, décembre 28, 2013

Revelation TV: Peter Tatchell v David Robertson

Peter Tatchell and David Robertson discuss the future of marriage. (Revelation TV, 11 Dec 2013)

vendredi, décembre 27, 2013

Vimeo: Une histoire des hommes et des idées (37-40)




En 1946, Julian Huxley et l’Unesco reprennent le discours des penseurs français du siècle des Lumières : soumettre les enfants au plus jeune âge possible à l’influence de l’État et de son système d’éducation. Le projet est de modeler l’esprit des enfants pour qu’ils soient dociles aux idées politiques et philosophiques d’un univers laïc et athée. La gouvernance mondiale passe par un vaste projet de lavage des cerveaux de nos enfants.

L’Unesco proposait déjà en 1946 de faire en sorte que l’euthanasie devienne concevable en Occident. Mais comment arriver à convaincre une population moralement influencée depuis des siècles à protéger la vie des plus faibles? Après la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, les médias se donnent un pouvoir redoutable : celui d’être la première source d’influence sur la population. Les médias se retrouvent au cœur d’un vaste projet de manipulation des idées en vue de modifier l’opinion publique sur des grandes questions morales et philosophiques. La crédulité des masses est exploitée à outrance par la supposée objectivité médiatique. Ce qui est dit à la télé est toujours vrai !
(1-4)   (5-8)   (9-12)  (13-16)  (17-20)  (21-24)  (25-28) 
(29-32)  (33-36)  (41-44) ||

Truman & Borger: Genetic code optimisation

Image: CMI
Genetic code optimisation: Part 1
by Royal Truman and Peter Borger

The genetic code as we find it in nature—the canonical code—has been shown to be highly optimal according to various criteria. It is commonly believed the genetic code was optimised during the course of an evolutionary process (for various purposes). We evaluate this claim and find it wanting. We identify difficulties related to the three families of explanations found in the literature as to how the current 64 → 21 convention may have arisen through natural processes.
Read full article: HERE
PDF Download: HERE

jeudi, décembre 26, 2013

Scottish Independence: New website "Wealthy Nation"

Michael Fry

Welcome to Wealthy Nation

Welcome to Wealthy Nation.  We are a group of Scots who stand to the right of centre on the political spectrum and who are going to vote Yes to the independence of our country in the referendum on September 18, 2014.

To some observers this intention may come as a surprise, but we think Scottish independence is a logical extension of our belief in personal, political, social and economic freedom. On the Wealthy Nation website we have set up, we want over the coming months to discuss and define the relationship between that national goal and the principles we hold.  We will show also how the kind of practical policies we advocate will make the Scotland of the future a much richer and happier place.

We have chosen the name Wealthy Nation for two reasons.  One is that it reminds us of one of the greatest books ever written in Scotland, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith of Kirkcaldy.  It set out the groundwork for our modern economy not only in this country but all over the world, a modern economy which has everywhere brought tremendous advances in the standard of living.  It not only makes many people more prosperous but also enables us to take better care of the less well off.  This was something Smith himself never forgot, and nor will we.

The second reason for choosing the name Wealthy Nation is that it actually describes the Scotland we live in, with its abundant natural, industrial, financial and human resources.  But what we would add is that these resources are not being used to the best advantage of our people.  Policies imposed on us from Westminster, and run in the interests of the South East of England, distort our economy and stop it from reaching its full potential. On our website we will set out the new Scottish policies, different from the failed Westminster policies, that can unleash our potential.

The overall aim is to replace control and regulation from elsewhere with freedom and initiative for ourselves.  We will enrich the personal lives of the men and women who live here and at the same time create a country which, by the example of its success, will be able to make a greater contribution to the rest of the world, whether to our near neighbours and allies or to more distant peoples who will welcome our help.  Scotland will cease to be a provincial backwater and become a valued member of the international community.  Both at home and abroad, we will discover that prosperity and fairness are two sides of the same coin.

We may be more used to hearing some of this sort of language come from the political left, but in fact the political centre right is better able to realise the ideals that underpin it.  A country which cannot run a successful economy will not fulfil any other of its aims either, but just fall into social strife.  And the policies of the left, public ownership and control, have never produced economic success in any country or at any time.  This is true of Scotland too.

We will also contribute to the national conversation on the development of an independent Scotland’s written constitution including the need for individual and property rights, the right to free enterprise, the protection of voluntary association and checks and balances on the state. By libertarian we mean freedom for individuals, freedom for families, freedom for communities – and freedom for our country.

The trouble is that here we have never had a party which both advocates the policies of the centre right and remains committed to the Scottish values that combine prosperity with fairness: today’s Scottish Conservative party only ever follows orders from London and a very different right-of-centre philosophy.

We believe there is a substantial right-of-centre tradition in Scotland but it will never consolidate in a substantial vote for the Westminster Conservative Party.  The Tories are out of touch with Scotland and their brand remains toxic north of the border. Yet it cannot be said that a tradition of the centre right is lacking here.  Quite apart from Adam Smith, Scotland would not have become in the old days a workshop of the world unless its capitalists had understood their business and inspired their workers to join in perfecting products that sold round the globe.

In Wealthy Nation we want to pick up the threads that will lead from that successful Scotland of the past to the successful Scotland of the future.  Our readers can help us to do that, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Fry
Wealthy Nation

Good Morning Scotland – Wake up to the opportunities of independence

Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of Business for Scotland debating borders and international trade after a Yes vote with Daniel Johnston who was representing the No Campaign.
Good Morning Scotland – Wake up to the opportunities of independence

by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (16 Dec 2013)

Business for Scotland is now being regularly asked to represent the opinion of the pro-independence business community by the mainstream media or in organised debates.  This is useful for two main reasons:

First, our business spokespeople can offer balance and common sense both of which have been missing from several media outlets so far in the campaign. This time more business people are willing to speak out in favour of constitutional change than against. Many are also concerned that the uncertainty and change they fear comes not with a Yes but with a No vote, including the prospect of the UK leaving the European Union.

Secondly, Business for Scotland now has over one hundred trained ambassadors (from a membership of well over 1,000 business owners) willing to debate – real credible businesspeople, job creators often they have hundreds, sometimes thousands of employees.  The number of ambassadors is growing on a weekly basis. They want to speak out on the referendum but we are often held back by the No Campaign’s inability to find anti-independence business people.

The broadcast media outlets have called us to invite a speaker but later cancel because the No Campaign hasn’t been able to find a representative. There has also been many occasions where independent organisations haven’t had a confirmed No Campaign speaker until the night before their event despite weeks of chasing.

Read full article:


Dooyeweerd: Differentiated and undifferentiated societal relationships

Fall of Berlin Wall 1989
The transcendental significance of the general distinction between differentiated and undifferentiated societal relationships for the historical examination of human society
by Herman Dooyeweerd.
     We have to add some further general systematic distinctions to those introduced and explained above. They will also appear to be indispensable if we wish to do justice to the element of truth in TÖNNIES' conception.
     In the first place the difference between differentiated and undifferentiated societal relationships appears to be foundational for every examination of the historical development of human society (usually styled: "social dynamics", in contradistinction to "social statics").
     That this distinction is really of transcendental significance has been shown in detail in the analysis
of the opening-process of the modal structure of history in the second Volume. Though the distinction as such is generally accepted in sociology, there is a great divergence in its interpretation, elaboration and historical-philosophical appreciation. In this respect the view of TÖNNIES, for example, is diametrically opposed to that of SPENCER or DURKHEIM. The main defect of the current views is their pseudo-biological or -mechanistic foundation. Nowhere is the distinction oriented to the societal structures of individuality founded in the plastic dimension of the temporal world-order.

Institutional communities and voluntary associations.
     Secondly we have to introduce the systematic distinction between institutional and non- institutional communities. As the terms "institute" or "institution" lack a univocal meaning in sociology (especially since DURKHEIM'S extremely broad interpretation of the words), it is again necessary to give a sharp definition of the sense in which I shall use them.
     By "institutional communities" I understand both natural and organized communities (in the sense defined above) which by their inner nature are destined to encompass their members to an intensive degree, continuously or at least for a considerable part of their life, and such in a way independent of their will. According to the Christian view their differentiated basic types are founded in a special divine institution.
     The natural familistic community (both in its broader and in its narrower sense) is one into which man is born. The same holds good with respect to the State; although one can get citizenship also in other ways, no citizen is able to change his nationality at will. The institutional community of the Church receives the children of Christian parents as its members by baptism and as such they continue to belong to this community through a bond independent of their will, until they reach their years of discretion. This institutional trait is lacking in the sects which reject infant-baptism and are sometimes even without any institutional organization.
     Similarly the institutional conjugal community embraces husband and wife by a bond independent of their will. According to its inner structural principle it is a bond which is destined to unite them for life. When there are particular circumstances which make it necessary to dissolve it, it is the institutional character of the conjugal community which requires supra-individual rules for divorce. In any case the inner nature of this institution is independent of the subjective conceptions of the matrimonial bond, which in course of time may strongly vary.
     A scientific examination of the development of such conceptions and their influence upon the formation of the positive norms regulating this institution presupposes the supra-arbitrary structural principle of the latter. By eliminating this principle scientific research lacks any point of reference which alone makes it possible to relate the different conceptions to the same institution [1].
[1] It is in vain to seek for some common characteristics in the different subjective conceptions which science might combine to a so-called "empirical" concept of the marriage bond. The so-called "common traits" are, as such, quite arbitrary and can never determine the inner nature of the institution. 
     The institutional character of the conjugal bond precludes any possibility of transforming the latter into a voluntary association.
     In a secondary sense the institutional character must also be ascribed to the undifferentiated organized communities which also embrace their members by a bond independent of their will. The reason is, as we shall explain in a later context, that in their undifferentiated societal form, in which different structural principles are interlaced, an institutional structural principle always has the leading role, either that of kinship or that of a political community. 
     Among the differentiated organized communities only the State and the Church have an institutional character in the sense defined above. All the others display the nature of voluntary associations, though we shall see that some of them may be realized in forms impeding the full disclosure of this voluntary character. They originate from the free differentiated inter-personal and inter-communal relationships, though with respect to their inner structure they are not reducible to the latter. They are, consequently, based on the principle of freedom to join and leave. A compulsory membership, whereby they become compulsory organizations can never be derived from their inner nature. It may be the consequence of a specific kind of enkaptic interlacement with the State, exceeding their internal structural sphere, whereby they assume a public law function and are endowed with a public authority delegated by the State. It stands to reason that this can only occur with associations of a very important societal character, such as, for example trade-unions, which can be used in a so-called functional decentralization of the public administration.
     As long as this is only a question of an enkaptic binding in the structure of the State, the compulsory character will not extend beyond the public law sphere, whereas the joining and leaving of the members of the association as such remains free. The compulsion then only has an indirect character and means that in the event of his not joining, a man lacks any influence upon public legal regulations or decisions affecting his interests, and will perhaps also be deprived of other advantages. Should, however, the compulsion to join assume a direct character and the organization as such consequently be transformed into a compulsory association, it would at the same moment lose its original inner nature and become a part of the State. Its qualifying or leading function is then modified in principle; it has assumed a radically different structure. And we have seen that the structural principles of societal relationships are not created by man but are founded in the divine order of creation.

Associatory and authoritarian forms of association. Indirectly compulsory organizations.
    The non-institutional organizations which in modern differentiated society show an immense diversity in nature and formation, have either an associatory [2] ("genossenschaftliche") or an authoritarian ("herrschaftliche") form of government.
[2] I intentionally avoid the adjective "democratic" since this term pertains to the governmental form of the State only, and its extension to radically different organized communities implies the danger of levelling out the structural principles of the societal relationships. 
     In the first case the highest authority is vested in all the members together. In the second case authority does not derive from the latter but is imposed upon them. Consider, for example, the relation between employer, manager and labourers in a modern factory. As an organized community with its essential structural subject-object relation to the buildings and machines, a factory is not to be viewed as an organization with an associatory form of government. This might only be justified in the exceptional case that the labourers themselves have founded the factory and instituted the authoritative organs. But, as a rule, the organization intended shows an authoritarian form.
     In addition it must be observed that the formal freedom of the labourers to join and to leave such an industrial organization is often frustrated by the situation of the "labour-market", by their factual economic position and one-sided skill and training. This is why the authoritarian economically qualified labour organization in the modern Western forms of industrial life can hardly be considered as completely voluntary associations. They rather show some resemblance to institutional communities. Nevertheless it would lead to a fundamental confusion if we should bracket them with the latter. For it is not the structural principle of an economically qualified authoritarian labour organization which as such precludes a complete realization of the freedom to join and to leave. Much rather it is the positive social form in which it is realized on the historical basis of the modern capitalistic forms of production, which has given rise to a factual societal situation hardly to be justified. Here we are confronted with another form of indirect compulsion, a form not originating from the enkaptic interlacement of the organization with the State. When we call them indirectly compulsory organizations one should remember that this term cannot have a transcendental sense as is the case with our former systematic distinctions, since its meaning does not pertain to the structural principles of human society.
     The State is the only differentiated community to which belongs a compulsory organization in its proper sense in accordance with its inner nature. This will become clear from our analysis of its structural principle.
     Associatory and authoritarian forms of voluntary and indirectly compulsory organizations may be enkaptically interwoven with one another in the genetic form of a free association. This will be the case when the established "purpose" of the latter embraces the foundation of an organized labour-community, an instructional community, etc. We shall examine such inter-weavings in a later context. 
(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol 3 pp 186-191)

Gregory Baus: Dooyeweerd's Societal Sphere Sovereignty

Gregory Baus
Dooyeweerd's Societal Sphere Sovereignty: A Theory of Differentiated Responsibility 
by Gregory Baus (2005)

     Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) was a professor of law and jurisprudence at the Vrije Universtiteit, Amsterdam from 1926 to 1965. For the five years previous he was adjunct director at the Abraham Kuyper Foundation, the research and policy institute for the Anti-Revolutionary Party. Among his numerous legal writings, he is author of an Encyclopedia of Legal Science in five volumes, presently being translated into English. In addition to being a serious legal scholar, Dooyeweerd is also respected as a frst rate philosopher. 
     He addresses foundational philosophical issues -- ontology, epistemology, and philosophical anthropology -- and applies his insights to concerns of the particular sciences. Not surprisingly his focus of application is to the felds of law and society. One of Dooyeweerd’s signifcant philosophical contributions to theoretical refection on law and society is his development of Kuyper’s view of what is called societal “sphere sovereignty.”Kuyper’s conception is aimed at articulating an understanding of the multiple responsibilities within society. In a series of editorials developing this concept of societal sphere sovereignty, Dooyeweerd laments:
"…the profundity of Kuyper’s insight, with respect to the nature of the social order …was understood by relatively few people at the time or since."
     In this essay we outline Dooyeweerd’s conception of societal sphere sovereignty as a framework for understanding differentiation of social responsibilities, and suggest some possible implications for social policies in terms of the responsibility of the state.
Read full essay HERE

mardi, décembre 24, 2013

An tUachtarán Ó hUigínn: Teachtaireacht na Nollag 2013

Teachtaireacht na Nollag agus na hAthbhliana ón Uachtarán Micheál D. Ó hUigínn

Ba mhaith liom gach dea-ghuí don Nollaig agus don Athbhliain a sheoladh chuig muintir na hÉireann uilig, agus go h-áirithe ar shlí speisialta d’ár n-imircigh thar lear, agus iomlán chlanna Gael, pé áit ar domhan iad.

Is tráth den bhliain é an Nollaig ina bhfilleann daoine ar a mbailte. Is tráth den bhliain é ina ndúisíonn muid an athuair na ceangail sheanchairdis agus gaoil sin a thugann brí agus teochroí isteach inár saol – saol a chaithimid i measc an phobail atá thart orainn.

Agus an oiread sin againn ag teacht le chéile mar chairde, ní mór dúinn cuimhniú ar dhaoine a bhfuil faoi stros, daoine atá in a n-aonair, nó daoine atá scartha uathu siúd is ansa leo.

Mar Uachtarán na hÉireann, ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil libhse uilig atá ag tabhairt aire dár muintir i gcaitheamh na saoire agus tríd an gcuid eile den bhliain freisin go deimhin – áirim orthu san An Garda Síochána, an tSeirbhís Príosún, iomlán na bhfoirne inár n-ospidéil agus inar seirbhísí éigeandála, agus comhaltaí na bhFórsaí Cosanta atá ag cruthu nó ag tacú leis an tsíocháin thar lear.

I mbliain seo An Tionóil, d’fhear muid fíor-chaoin fáilte roimh Diaspora na nGael. Cuireann an Nollaig i gcuimhne duinn áfach, gur rud buanseasmhach í an fháilte dáiríre agus go síneann sé níos faide amach ná daoine muinteartha na ár bpobail féin amháin agus go sroicheann sé go chomh fada leis an stróinséar, leis an duine nua san phobail agus leis an duine atá scoite amach.

Ócaid is ea an Nollaig nuair is ceart dúinn macnamh a dhéanamh air na rudaí sin a thugann agus a choinníonn le chéile muid mar dhaoine muinteartha, mar chomharsana, mar chomhshaoránaigh agus mar dhaoine daonna.

Tugann teachtaireacht na Nollag, is teachtaireacht a dtacaíonn go leor leor creideamh éagsúla léi, cuireadh dúinn chun aire a thabhairt dá chéile agus a bheith – i gciall ne heiticiúlachta – mar chúramóirí a chéile.

Faoi scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine adeir ár dteanga ársa féin linn.

Ar ócaid m’oirnithe, tá sé dhá bhliain ó shin anois, chuireas in iúl go mba mhian liom dul i ngleic l’oiread áirithe téamaí a bhaineann le leas mhuintir na hÉireann uilig agus lena a bhfuil i ndán dóibh.

Tá mé sásta go bhfuil toradh maith tagtha ar an gcéad cheann de na tionscnaimh sin – ‘An Óige agus an tÉireannachas’.

Tá ógra na hÉireann fíor-acmhainneach agus tá sé tuillte acu a bheith in ann a bheith muiníneach as a bhfuil amach rompu agus a bheith bródúil as a dtír féin.

I gcaitheamh na bliana 2014 beidh an plé is leithne agus is féidir á spreagadh agam ar chúrsaí eitice i ngach gné den saol seo ‘gainne, i gcomhthéacs náisiúnta agus i gcomhthéacs domhanda araon.

Cuideoidh sé seo, tá súil agam, leis an tsochaí agus an geilleagar seo ‘gainne a bhogadh ar aghaidh ón leagan amach a thug an oiread sin anró orainn agus a bhrúigh an oiread sin íobartha orainn.

Agus an bhliain nua buailte linn, tá mé sásta go dtarraingeoidh muintir na hÉireann ar an gcarachtar agus ar an teacht aniar sin atá léirithe chomh minic sin acu cheana chun léargas nua ar an gcomh-ghaelachas sin againne a mhúnlú, a shaineofar trí luachanna an chúraim, na dlúthpháirtíochta, na hiontaoibhe agus na freagrachta.

Sa bhliain atá amach romhainn, leanfaidh mé le mo lán dhícheall a dhéanamh ar son leas agus fónaimh mhuintir na hÉireann, abhus anseo sa mbaile, agus i gcéin, agus tá mé ag súil go mór leis an gCuairt Stáit ar na comharsana agus na cairde is giorra dúinn sa Ríocht Aontaithe i mí Aibreáin.

Go maire torthaí na mbeannachtaí ón mbronnadh agus ón bhfáil i bhfad thairis an cúpla lá luachmhar seo in éindí leo síud is ansa linn.

Guíonn Saibhín agus mé féin Nollaig Shona oraibh go léir.

Arás an Uachtaráin

Greyfriars Youth Project: 2 Christmas videos!


Dooyeweerd: The three transcendental problems of a theoretical total view of human society

Meiningen from Hasliberg Reuti, Switzerland (photo F. MacFhionnlaigh)
The three transcendental problems of a theoretical total view of human society by Herman Dooyeweerd.

     For the present we must restrict ourselves to an elucidation of the transcendental problems involved in a theoretical total view of human society. We may formulate them as follows: 

1. Where is the basic denominator to be found needed for a comparison of the different types of societal relationships, set apart and opposed to one another in the antithetic Gegenstand-relation of theoretical thought?
2. How is their mutual relation and coherence to be viewed?
3. Where do they find their radical unity and totality of meaning, or in other words, from which starting-point can we grasp them in the theoretical view of totality?
     Our general transcendental critique of theoretical thought has brought to light that the philosophical immanence-standpoint can only result in absolutizations of specific modal aspects of human experience. Similarly we may establish that on this standpoint every total view of human society is bound to absolutizations both of specific modal aspects and of specific types of individual totality. This will appear from our following structural analysis.
     From the Christian transcendence-standpoint the radical unity and meaning-totality of all temporal societal structures of individuality is only to be found in the central religious community of mankind in its creation, fall and redemption by Jesus Christ. This starting-point excludes in principle every universalist sociological view, which seeks the unity and all-embracing totality of all types of societal relationships in a temporal community of mankind. Neither a nation, nor the Church in the sense of a temporal institution, nor the State, nor an international union of whatever typical character, can be the all-inclusive totality of human social life, because mankind in its spiritual root transcends the temporal order with its diversity of social structures.
     This was the firm starting-point from which Christianity by the spiritual power of its divine Master broke through the pagan totalitarian view of the Roman empire, and cleared the way for a veritable and salutary revolution of the social worldview. The radical meaning of this Christian revolution would be frustrated by identifying it with the Stoic idea of mankind as a temporal community of all-inclusive character. It is true that the natural law doctrine of HUGO GROTIUS used this Stoic idea as a foundation for international law and that this idea broke through the classical Greek absolutization of the polis. But it could never become the starting-point for a social worldview which hits any absolutization of temporal societal life at its roots. It could not clear the way for a theoretical examination of the basic structures of individuality determining the inner nature of the different types of societal relationships.
     It is only from the Biblical Christian transcendence-standpoint that the three transcendental basic problems formulated above can be solved in a way which precludes absolutizations. The basic denominator for a theoretical comparison of the different structural types of human society can here only be the temporal world-order rooted in the divine order of creation. The mutual relation between the social structures of individuality is only to be viewed as that of an inner sovereignty of each structure within its own orbit, balanced by its coherence with the other structures in cosmic time; the latter guarantees enkaptic external functions of any particular social relationship in all the others, insofar as their different structural principles are realized.
     And this theoretical total view is only possible from the starting-point that the different societal structures of individuality find their radical unity and meaning-totality beyond cosmic time in the central religious community of mankind.
     It is indeed our transcendental basic Idea in its application to the theoretical total-view of the societal structures of individuality which gives this solution to the three transcendental problems formulated above.

The principle of structural sovereignty of every type of societal relationship within its own inner orbit, and the undifferentiated societies.
     But when we try to apply this Idea to the factual societal relationships realized in the different phases of the evolution of human social life, there seems to arise a serious difficulty.
     At first sight it might appear that this Idea presupposes a differentiated condition of human society which, as explained in Vol. II, is dependent upon the opening-process of its historical or cultural aspect. How then can we apply it to primitive or undifferentiated societies? Does not it appear from this difficulty that our whole view concerning the validity of constant structural principles for the factual societal relationships is at best of an ideal-normative character, and should be eliminated from any explanation of society as it factually is?
     I think this conclusion would be quite premature. When we establish that a matrimonial community, a State, a Church, etc. have a constant inner nature, determined by their internal structural principles, we do not mean that all of these societal structures of individuality have been realized in every phase of development of mankind. We only mean that the inner nature of these types of societal relationships cannot be dependent on variable historical conditions of human society. This is to say, as soon as they are realized in a factual human society, they appear to be bound to their structural principles without which we could not have any social experience of them. We shall see presently that this does not detract anything from the great variability of the social forms in which they are realized.
     As to undifferentiated societies, this implies that their types of societal relationship also have structural principles, determining their inner nature, and differing fundamentally from those of differentiated types.
     This view is doubtless ruled by the Biblical Idea of divine creation of all things after their proper nature. But it is again and again confirmed by the social facts themselves.
     The inner nature of a matrimonial bond urges itself upon man because it is not his own creation. Doubtless the factual matrimonial relationship between a man and a wife may be bad enough. Man and wife may break the marriage bond. But it is impossible to make such a factual behaviour into a social norm, because it contradicts the very nature of a matrimonial relation and the latter is a fundamental institution of every human society. The bolshevist authorities were obliged to capitulate to the "logic of the social facts" when they saw that the communist doctrine of marriage as a free companionship, dissoluble at any moment by the will of each of the parties, in its practice led to a fundamental disintegration of the Russian society.
     In the same way the inner nature of a State, of a university, of a Church, of an industrial enterprise, or, in an undifferentiated society, of a sib, a tribe, or a guild, cannot be identified with the variable and changing factual relationships in which their internal structural types are realized. The latter urge themselves upon man and cannot be transformed by him. This is why the real structural principles of human society can never be replaced by constructed "ideal types", in the sense of MAX WEBER.
     The only reserve to be made with respect to the application of our transcendental Idea of social totality to undifferentiated societies, is that the societal basic principle of the sovereignty of each structural type within its own inner orbit cannot be applied to the mutual relation of undifferentiated types which appear to have the same inner nature. But this does not detract from the universal validity of this principle as such, which only refers to the relation of structural types of a different radical or geno-type.

The difference between the transcendental structural principles of human society and the subjective socio-political principles (maxims).
     The typical structural principles to which the social forms give a positive shape should be sharply distinguished from the subjective socio-political principles. The latter are results of human reflection on the fundamentals of human society and the maxims of their concrete formation in accordance with a particular cultural-historical situation. In this sense one speaks of liberal, socialistic, fascistic, communistic, Roman Catholic, Calvinistic, etc. principles for societal life. These subjective social principles are always to be tested to the normative structural principles founded in the temporal divine world-order, which determine the inner nature of the different societal relationships and the mutual relations between the latter.
     It is undeniable that the process of formation of human society is influenced to a high degree by the subjective social principles which have acquired a socio-cultural control over the majority of the members of a cultural community. But it would be incorrect to overestimate their role. Subjective social principles may contradict the essential structural principles of human society founded in the divine world-order. The latter is the order of reality, which can never be set aside, without destructive consequences for human societal life. This is also the reason why veritable positive structural norms are constitutive for the factual societal relationships. They are not merely "ideal" standards for valuating the latter, but really give a positive form to their inner nature. It is true that this formation can occur in a better or worse way in proportion to its being guided by better or worse subjective social principles. But apart from the typical structural principles which determine the inner nature of the different societal relationships, there can be no question of real positive societal norms. 
(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol 3 pp 168-173)

lundi, décembre 23, 2013

Independence and the EU - How BBC Scotland were caught misleading the public

Independence and the EU - 
How BBC Scotland were caught misleading the public
By a Newsnet reporter (23 Dec 2013)

On Thursday 18th December, following a near year-long complaint against BBC Scotland, the BBC Trust finally came to a decision.  The ruling, yet to be officially announced but leaked to Newsnet Scotland, was that BBC Scotland had misled viewers over a high profile news item broadcast on the flagship news programme Reporting Scotland.

The landmark decision found that on January 25th 2013, BBC Scotland had broken editorial guidelines on accuracy on an issue key to the independence debate.

The broadcast item centred on an interview given by the then Irish European Affairs Minister Lucinda Creighton.  Viewers watching that night's edition of Reporting Scotland would have been left with the impression that Ms Creighton was of the belief that a newly independent Scotland would be forced to leave the European Union.

The broadcast led to complaints being fielded by the BBC.  Fully ten months after the initial complaint had been lodged the Trust had made a decision – and one tenacious complainant had been exonerated.
Read entire Part 1 of article HERE

We left part one with the BBC's Editorial Complaints Unit having failed to respond to an attempt to escalate the complaint.  After six weeks had passed and no acknowledgement was forthcoming from the ECU, the BBC Trust was approached.

Two days later and the BBC Trust responded:

"Thank you for your email of 19 June. We have spoken with the Editorial Complaints Unit and they have advised that they will send a reply to you by the end of this week.  If you are unhappy with their response then it is open to you to write to us again to request an appeal."

It was now June 21st, fully five months after the broadcast that had led to the complaint. During that time an interesting hitherto unreported aspect of the January meeting in Dublin had emerged.

Read entire Part 2 of article HERE

dimanche, décembre 22, 2013

Vimeo: Une histoire des hommes et des idées (33-36)




Le mouvement œcuménique voit le jour en 1948. Au départ, son objectif est de réunir les confessions chrétiennes de foi protestante afin de leur donner une voix commune. Mais rapidement, les rumeurs laissent entendre que ce mouvement se veut plutôt être une manœuvre secrète dont l’objectif réel est de créer une méga religion mondiale, voire même la grande prostituée de l’Apocalypse. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment ?
(1-4)   (5-8)   (9-12)  (13-16)  (17-20)  (21-24)  (25-28) 
(29-32)  (37-40)